Back in Touch Massage Therapy
Relax Your Way Into Wellness...
Benefits of Massage

The result of massage is a profound state of relaxation unlike any other. Many clients who get regular massage report a decreased need for pain and sleep medications, making massage the most natural approach to conquering stress and daily pain.

  • Pain and Stress Relief - One of the most consistent benefits of massage is that the pain caused by tight muscles, injury, or surgery, is relieved.  Over time your body becomes accustomed to being in a tense state and your muscles may actually forget how to relax. Our experienced therapists help ease the stress and tension that you often carry in your body, so you can experience relief.
  •  Headaches & Migraines - Stress causes your muscles to contract, which creates tension that can cause headaches and even migraines. By focusing on your scalp, neck, and shoulders, we help relax these contracted muscled to give you drug-free relief from headaches.
  •  Relief from Injury – Massage therapy increases your body's circulation to the injured area, bringing it the nutrients and oxygen it needs. This also helps decrease inflammation and speed up the healing process.
  • Therapeutic Senior Massage - Seniors often experience pain due to arthritis. Therapeutic massage calms the nervous system, increases circulation within the joints that are causing pain, and supports improved mobility.
  •  Pre- and Post-Natal Massage – These sessions are designed to help the mother’s body adjust to the demands of childbearing.  Pre-natal massage focuses on relieving pains and fatigue of pregnancy. Post-natal massage helps the mother’s body to revive and relax after giving birth.
  •  Fibromyalgia Relief - Although there is no single identifiable cause of fibromyalgia, most people experience pain at multiple body sites which cause fatigue, headaches, and trouble sleeping. Deeply relaxing and comforting massage shifts your attention to the pleasant sensation of a caring touch. The relief massage can provide may help you to experience deeper and more restorative sleep.
Associated Bodywork & Massage Professionals
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